High Performance Coaching for Teams

I'd like to convert my team into High Performers!

Let's go!

Elevate the ENTIRE team to elite status with High Performance Coaching

Redefining what it means to be "rich"

How often have you thought or felt like there should be MORE to life than this?

More to the day beyond the routine clocking in and out at work, or in your business.

More to life than being “okay” with things – relationships, kids, family.

When most people think of being “rich” they picture it in terms of wealth: big houses, fancy cars, living the life of Riley…

But there is a NEW rich which does involve making money BUT – and this is a BIG but – happiness comes first.

It’s about impact over income.

It’s about being proud of what you’re doing, the help you’re providing, and being richly rewarded for your efforts.


And now, with this special High Performance Team Program, your entire group can learn how to elevate their performance, earn more income, live happier lives - and all without doing more work and truly learning to collaborate, think critically and be radically open-minded.

THAT is what it means to be rich.

I’ve spent the better part of a decade hunting down ways to become happier, healthier, more engaged and most of all focused on offering meaningful help to my clients.

I’ve interviewed some of the top performers of our time – millionaire Internet moguls, pro football players, innovators and more – to discover reasons they succeed AND become the happiest people possible.

And now I offer YOU the Life on Fire program: the opportunity to find YOUR purpose, your path to riches in life and business, with my full support.

Who this is for:

The High Performance Coaching for Teams program is designed for serious and resourceful businesses that want BIG changes.

Not small incremental adjustments.

You want to blow the DOORS off your sales so you can live the life most people only dream of!

And yes, it is possible.

I live this every day of my life, and it’s my mission to bring it to you so YOU can experience it, too.

But you will need to have these qualities to be sure that you’re successful in getting the life-changing benefits that others have achieved through this program:

  • You’re open-minded to new ideas
  • ​You’re a self-starter, resourceful and can take direction and run with it
  • ​Hard work doesn’t phase you
  • ​The prospect of being happy, fulfilled and rich excites you
  • ​You can picture the life you want to have clearly (and you really, really want it)
  • ​You’re not sure what to do, but open to being coached to help you get there
  • ​New things don’t frighten you – change is scary sometimes, but that’s okay

But it's really not for...

  • ​People looking for a silver bullet without doing any work
  • ​Anyone that wants someone to hold their hand and really do the work for them...(that's cheating!)
  • ​Folks who tend to blame others for where they are in life (this can be changed, but you have to be open to the idea! You can do it!)

I want to be 10,000% certain that this program will help you in all the right ways, so if you were nodding your head at the first list (who it’s for)
and muttering, “No way!” to the “who it’s NOT for” list – then keep reading.

How it works

The High Performance Team Coaching program begins with everyone submitting intake forms, which gather data regarding self-sabotage habits, areas of inconsistency or avoidance, strengths, goals, systems, etc.

As a data geek and analyst, I review all the information and create a unique "prescription" for each participant, indicating which areas are holding them back, and where their true opportunities and strengths lie.

This is then presented to the group over a 2-day High Performance Team Summit, operating like a series of mini-workshops. Each workshop is designed to either break down a barrier, or enhance and unleash their super power so that they can truly take advantage of their talents and skills.

This is an in-person event....because even though we CAN do it virtually, the effects are minimal.

Everyone walks away with a 3-month goal that they will seek to achieve, with all the tools, strategies and mindsets to make it happen!

Once the event is over, there is a 3-month follow-up program, whereby the group checks in every 2 weeks, and reports on things like:

  • Successes and celebrations
  • Challenges and fixes
  • Aha! Moments
  • Progress towards their 3-month goal

So whatever your team goals are, be ready to over-achieve them!

Expected Outcome

By the time the 2-day Summit is over, your team will learn how to:

  • Be empowered to think critically, without relying on the team leads/owners to provide them with answers or instruction
  • Recognize that they have precisely everything they need to be the happiest and most successful version of themselves - and how to access it!
  • Remove bad mental habits that can produce obstacles, cloud opportunities and slow progress
  • Create routines and systems that ensure that all these new habits, mindsets and processes compound over time, generating increasingly powerful results

Are you ready?

High Performance Coaching touches every aspect of your life…

From the negative stories we tell ourselves that hold us back…

To sales models and marketing concepts that can double or triple your income…

And finally the importance of taking care of yourself so you have the energy to do it all!

If you’re ready to get rich…

If you’re ready to be happy every day…

If you know that life may not be a straight line, or easy,
but with the right purpose ahead of you, you know you can handle it...

The team performance you know you can have is waiting for you. 

To sign up, click below.

See you soon!

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